True accounts from libraryland. The library isn't as boring as you'd think.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Posts from 3/11/10 to 4/2/10

3/11/10:  Saw a service dog with a sign that read "Please do not pet me, I am working." I need one of those.

3/11/10:  This.

3/15/10:  We offer several free computer classes - Let's Begin with the Mouse, Create & Use E-mail, and Introduction to the Internet, to name a few. I have an idea for a new one: YOU DON'T HAVE TO DOUBLE-CLICK EVERYTHING!!!

3/17/10:  With each book Jackie Collins shows a
little more cleavage.

3/22/10:  I need to file a worker's comp claim. I
 can't shelve books with a scratched thumb!

3/22/10:  Awesome donation of the day: A bootleg DVD
of Tomb Raider.

3/22/10:  The library environment really is changing. Some people look shocked when they see a bookcart go by. But I'm guessing that most of their shock comes from the fact that I am pushing/riding/standing on the bookcart like a shopping cart.

3/23/10:  "My sister found this pill in her son's stuff and wants to know what it is." (The pill was white, round and had L194 on one side and blank on the other side.) Well ma'am, I'm sorry to tell you that your nephew is indeed hooked on generic Pepcid. He's probably trying to treat the ulcer he got from worrying about his mom's snooping.

3/30/10:  Awesome book order of the day: Mr. Jefferson and the Giant Moose, by Lee Alan Dugatkin. Brief summary - At the end of the 18th century a theory arose that America was a degenerate land - damp, coolish, and capable of producing only weak, undersized, insipid life forms lacking in vigor or fertility.

4/2/10:  A great clip from Sesame Street. Cookie Monster goes to the library. He doesn't quite understand the purpose of the library. He reminds me of a lot of patrons I deal with.

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