4/17/09: I don't trust an author when their name is in a larger font than the title on the cover of their book.
6/24/09: "I can't read when I'm on the plane, I get carsick." I didn't know flying cars were a reality yet.
7/20/09: I was shelving a cart of fiction and was amazed at how much of the alphabet I had forgotten during my vacation.
7/22/09: People routinely are oblivious to the existence of my nametag and ask if I work here. So today I changed my nametag to say "Sparky."
7/23/09: I opened my desk drawer and a mouse was running around. I freaked out. And everyone in the library heard me scream like a girl.
7/24/09: "I'm not against female writers, I'm becoming more tolerant of them. I guess in that sense I'm becoming more bisexual." Yeah, that word doesn't mean what you think it means.
7/27/09: Overheard at the library - snoring. From more than one customer.
7/30/09: Found a flier on the bulletin board. It said "Huge women's Clothing, Yard Sale. Sizes 4 to 14. Saturday..8-01-09. Starts at 8:00 am untill Noon." I wouldn't consider a woman who fits in clothing size 4 to 14 to be huge.
8/3/09: Found out you CAN catch a mouse with cantaloupe and pretzels. And a trap that snaps the mouse's neck.
8/10/09: Wanna know the quickest way to piss me off? Ask me for directions then walk away before I'm finished. Then come back 30 seconds later because YOU DIDN'T LISTEN! Now you're gonna get talked to like you're five years old.
8/10/09: Overheard at the library - In a snotty voice: "My cleaning lady threw a book away, I need to pay for it." Well, that's what you get for reading Nora Roberts. Your cleaning lady obviously has better literary taste than you.
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