True accounts from libraryland. The library isn't as boring as you'd think.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Posts from 5/27/10 to 6/29/10

5/27/10:  Phone call (on a Thursday): "Hi, you guys are open today for Memorial Day weekend?" Slight pause as I determine the best way to answer this. "Well Memorial Day isn't til Monday, and we're closed that day. But yes, we are open today."

5/28:  Someone donated about 30 books and 
one-piece women's bathing suit. The library has no need for the swimsuit,
 so it's free to a good home!

6/2/10:  "Will someone help me
 at the self-checkout machine? My electromagnetic energy disrupts the 
machine." I'll help you, but only because I appreciate the 
extraordinary excuse you concocted for being lazy.

6/7/10:  "Do I get a library card here?" No, go to the post office.

6/10/10:  My monitor now resembles a certain monster 
who has a persistent hankering for cookies.

6/11/10:  I was strolling through Kidstown and I paused to listen to a woman read The Giving Tree to a group of boys. She would pause in between pages to ask the boys questions. She asked, "What can you do with a tree?" One boy answered, "Go potty!"

6/15/10:  I know that I spend a lot of time here and it kinda feels like a second home to me, but my house key won't open the door. Ugh, it's gonna be a long day.

6/15/10:  "I'm really a pain, ain't I?" Actually, I don't mind helping you. It's your atrocious grammar that is painful.

6/16/10:  Today at library school - From a book for my Introduction to IT class - "URLs use many slashes ( / ); that's the correct term. Backslashes ( \ ) are also used in computing; that's also the correct term. The term 'forward slash' is not correct, except perhaps with light sabers." I don't even like Star Wars and I think that's funny.

6/29/10:  "I don't have a library card with this library, but I have one from my library in Michigan, does that help?" No. Do you go to Safeway and try to use your Smith's card?

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